The Video 
Production Site


Grip and Lighting Equipment for Film Video Production Illustrated Dictionary

Intro  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Welcome to's newest area, the Grip and Lighting Equipment Picture Dictionary! If you are just starting out in film and video production, we hope you find our guide to the arcane world of grip/gaffer/LD work and grip and lighting equipment terminology helpful. If you are an old hand, don't be embarrassed if you need to find out what the heck some obscure or new type of grip gear is named or does. It happens to the best of us! Be sure to contact us if you see something missing or think an entry needs clarification or is mistaken. Different locales, crews and crafts often use different names for the same thing. The photo illustrations of some of the defined items should help in those situations.



The Grip and Lighting Equipment Picture Dictionary is an ongoing project, so check back now and then if we haven't got your questions or alphabetic definitions covered this time. Included in this dictionary are the stands and c-stands, grip clamps, lighting units, and more used in all types of live-action motion picture production. Some of the gear listed is cross-departmental (camera, grip, electric, etc.) of course, with the most obvious being electrical stingers, extensions and ac boxes. So from apple boxes to dots and duvateyne and beyond, enjoy exploring the strange and wonderful world of video film grip and lighting equipment!

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