The Video 
Production Site


The internet offers a huge variety of info sources with sites about video and film production from the consumer to the professional level. The scours the web for all types of sites that might offer you assistance in your video production endeavours. Check them out, and learn more about the craft, technology and art of creating quality video, whatever end use you have in mind for your projects.

Creative Cow
Creative Cow is an excellent resource for all types of video, audio and animation production people. A huge collection of tutorials, articles and forums make a visit very worthwhile.
Growing from the popular videomaking-on-a-budget print magazine, offers all that the print version does, and more. A great resource for videographers and editors of all budget levels.

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)
For decades, SMPTE has been the standard setter for many aspects of video and film - from test signals to guiding adoption of new video technologies and formats. If you are fuzzy about the technology behind video production, SMPTE can help you understand the difference between just plain video and really professional video signals and more.

Society of Operating Cameramen
The SOC is an organization dedicated to the advancement of the art, craft and knowledge of operating camera people everywhere.

The TV Test Card Gallery
Darren Meldrum has collected and is displaying a fun assortment of TV test patterns from around the world. From retro to modern, these graphics are a lot of fun to view, especially since TV test patterns, technical difficulty graphics and the like are fairly uncommon to see on-air these days. Enjoy!

Video University
Here is a site that is full of reviews, how-to articles and more about production of video for a wide variety of uses and markets. Also features forums for question and answers.

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