The Video 
Production Site


The Open Source Software movement hasn't ignored video and graphics production. There are some very useful programs, free to download and use available on the internet. We have collected a few links below to get you started. From animation to editing to paint and image software, almost every video effort can find something of use in an open source environment.

     Open and perform image retouching for high def frame formats like 16-bit TIFF, OpenEXR and DPX, as well as standard JPEG and PNG images. OSX, Linux and Windows are all supported.

     Learn about and download video editing and special effects with Jahshaka open source software. Designed to work with both PCs and Macs.

     The VLC media player handles just about every video and audio format known to man, and you can download the "highly portable" open source player for free.

Blender 3D
     Blender 3D is an excellent open source 3D modeling and animation program, and it is 100% free to download. It can handle import/export of  a wide variety of animation file formats, too! Students to pros can find this program of use in a variety of ways.

     Free open-source vector-based drawing program with versions for Windows, Linux and OSX.

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
     Users and creators say that GIMP rivals Photoshop in capabilities and quality. Along with the still image functions, GIMP offers animation capabilities as well. Works with Linux, OSX and Windows.

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